Sale Up To 50% Off Valentino Replica Handbags
The Garavani Lock Shoulder Bag do not need any introduction, it’s an iconic piece from the house of Valentino. This bag has been released for quite some time now and the solid colors are available throughout the year. However, every season Valentino will introduce a limited edition of the Valentino Replica Handbags. This limited edition will be decorated or embellished with sequins, charms and crystal flowers like this version.
The Garavani Lock Bag has been loved by a lot of fashionista’s around the world, including celebrities and famous bloggers. The most popular component is the pyramid studs crafted on the center of the flap. This part is usually made in gold hardware for the shiny effect and it represents the Italian fashion house because making studded accessories is one of their specialties.
For this season, Replica Fendi Bags updated the Garavani Lock Bag with flower-shaped crystals next to the smooth leather. It’s complemented with pink background to maximize the feminine look. Sometimes the color pink can be a hard choice because it doesn’t always match the outfit or the circumstances. But this edition is too cute and will easily match with elegant styles or simple tees and jeans.
Made from calf leather and jewel-like chain for shoulder carry. It’s also possible to carry cross body.
This bag opens with a push-lock fastening and it’s quite roomy for a boxy shoulder bag. Inside you will find the main compartment, a zipped pocket and a slot pocket. Your basic essentials can fit easily with some extra space for additional mini items.